Monday, 29 August 2011

When is a tower not a tower ?

Started this doodle on a small piece of salvaged plywood
drawing the thumb, something I offen do on the side of my paper
in meetings, I had taken art to the garden in a attempt
not to vegetate in doors ,the garden knife soon snuggled up to
the thumb ,tried to make it into a church tower
but it did not quite work out that way.


Friday, 5 August 2011

Thats how it is

Yesterdays doodlings  around the theme  of
my life/the economy, not going any where,  it was not planned, it just grew that way,

 and then got its title/direction, feelings have to come out some where
Feeling better at the moment ...... 

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Butterflies, strawberries or love

Don't know but we have four of them

Started out as a doodle nice to dream but I think they are strawberries.